{% if app.getAuthenticator().isAuthenticated() and module == "prod" %}
  1.  {{ 'Notifications' | trans }}
  2. {% endif %}
  3. {% if app.getAuthenticator().isAuthenticated() %} {% if app.getAuthenticatedUser().isGuest %} {{ 'Guest' | trans }} {% else %} {{ app.getAuthenticatedUser().getDisplayName() }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
  4. {{ 'phraseanet:: aide' | trans }}
    {% if module is defined and module == "prod" %} {% endif %} ">{{ 'phraseanet:: a propos' | trans }}
  5. {% if app.getAuthenticator().isAuthenticated() %} {{ 'phraseanet:: deconnection' | trans }} {% endif %}
{% if app.getAuthenticator().isAuthenticated() and module == "prod" %}
  •  {{ 'Notifications' | trans }}
  • {% endif %}
    {% if app.getAuthenticator().isAuthenticated() and module == "prod" %} {% include 'prod/notifications_dropdown.html.twig' %} {% include 'prod/notifications_dialog.html.twig' %} {% endif %}