{% set nbReceivedDocuments = records.received().count() %} {% set nbEditableDocuments = records.count() %}
{# if multi databox edit abort #} {% if records.databoxes() | length > 1 %}
{{ 'prod::Les enregistrements ne provienent pas tous de la meme base et ne peuvent donc etre traites ensemble' | trans }}
{% else %} {% set databox = records.databoxes|first %} {# This value is fetched when click on 2nd tab #}

{% if nbReceivedDocuments == 1 %} {% trans %}You have selected one record.{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans with {'%nbReceivedDocuments%' : nbReceivedDocuments} %}You have selected %nbReceivedDocuments% records.{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% if nbEditableDocuments == 0 %} {% trans %}None of the records can be modified.{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% if nbEditableDocuments < nbReceivedDocuments %} {% if nbEditableDocuments == 1 %} {% trans %}Only one record can be modified.{% endtrans %} {% else %} {% trans with {'%nbEditableDocuments%' : nbEditableDocuments} %}Only %nbEditableDocuments% records can be modified.{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% set sbasId = databox.get_sbas_id() %} {% for bit,values in status %} {% endfor %} {% if records.stories.count > 0 %} {% endif %}
{{ databox.get_label(app['locale'])|title }}
{% trans %}Status edition{% endtrans %}
{% if values['img_off'] is not empty %} {% endif %} {% if values['img_on'] is not empty %} {% endif %}
{% trans %}Apply status on story children.{% endtrans %}
{% if nbEditableDocuments > 0 %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}