{% import 'prod/results/macro.html.twig' as result_macro %}

{% if feed.aggregated %} {% endif %} {{ entry.title }} {% set author = entry.authorName %} {% trans with {'%author%' : author} %}Par %author%{% endtrans %}

{% if entry.feed.isOwner(app.getAuthenticator().user) or entry.isPublisher(app.getAuthenticator().user) %} {% endif %}
{% set updated_on = app['date-formatter'].getPrettyString(entry.updatedOn) %} {% set created_on = app['date-formatter'].getPrettyString(entry.createdOn) %} {{ created_on }} {% if created_on != updated_on %} ( {% trans with {'%updated_on%' : updated_on} %}Derniere mise a jour le %updated_on%{% endtrans %} ) {% endif %} {% if feed.aggregated %} {% set feed_name = entry.feed.title %} {% trans with {'%feed_name%' : feed_name} %}dans %feed_name%{% endtrans %} {% endif %}

{{ entry.getSubtitle()|nl2br|raw }}

{% for item in entry.items %} {% block item %} {% include 'prod/results/item.html.twig' with { 'item' : item, 'entry': entry, 'settings': { 'images_size': images_size, 'technical_display': technical_display, 'rollover_thumbnail': rollover_thumbnail, 'doctype_display': doctype_display } } %} {% endblock %} {% endfor %}