{% for fieldname, branches in oldlinks %}
{% if branches['old_branch'] %}
{% set old_branch = branches['old_branch'] %}
{{ fieldname }}
{% trans with {'%old_branch%' : old_branch} %}thesaurus:: Ce champ a ete modifie ; ancienne branche : %old_branch% }}{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{{ 'thesaurus:: nouvelle branche' | trans }} : {{ branches['new_branch'] }}
{% if branches['old_branch'] is not none and '' == branches['new_branch'] %}
{{ fieldname }}{{ 'thesaurus:: ce champ n\'est plus lie au thesaurus, les termes indexes et candidats seront supprimes' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% if '' != branches['new_branch'] %}
{% if '' == branches['old_branch'] %}
{{ fieldname }}{{ 'thesaurus:: ce champ doit etre lie au thesaurus. La reindexation de la base est necessaire' | trans }}
{% else %}
{{ fieldname }}{{ 'thesaurus:: le lien au thesaurus doit etre modifie, la reindexation de la base est necessaire' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if need_reindex %}
{{ 'thesaurus:: reindexation necessaire' | trans }}
{% else %}
{{ 'thesaurus:: pas de reindexation' | trans }}
{% endif %}